This week was pretty good.
Well first off I went to go do interchanges with
an area called Tacuba. This is a little pueblo which is an hour by bus out of
the town of Ahuachapán where I am at. To get there it is like a canyon drive,
except in a bus, that is so full you have to stand up and are packed like sardines,
without space to put your backpack on the luggage rack, and the bus driver
being crazy and driving way faster than he should on roads like that. It was
pretty interesting.
Then we had a pretty normal day until it came time to go visit
one of their investigators later in the day. We had to take a moto taxi to get
their which is basically a small buggy with 3 wheels. When we got there we
started walking to the house of the investigator, and then that’s when I
realized I wasn’t wearing my nametag. Which I knew I had it on earlier during
the day because nobody can ever say my name unless I show them my tag up close.
Well we ended up not finding it which is sad because now I have to order a new
one, but it won’t be the same cause since I went to the Provo MTC, the letters
were bigger and engraved more deeply.
(Giving service of building another house out of adobe. It doesn't show
in the picture, but my face was covered in mud. I am now an expert in
albañileria. or the art of building houses.)
Well back to the lesson, we went to visit
a 14 old girl who is the daughter of a recent convert. At first she wanted
nothing to do with the missionaries, but over time she had been opening up, and
now she has started going to church, but she still kept saying no to be baptized.
So we went with the hopes that she would accept a date.
We get there and we
just start to get to know the family and they are really cool, then we try to
have a lesson with the daughter but it is super hard because her older sister
who is like 25 and her mom were sitting against the wall behind us making all
sorts of comments at the things she would say and were laughing really loud. Which
in that setting is pretty hard to maintain the spirit. But we just told her to
ignore them and kept teaching, and eventually they left. But the lesson was
really good because we started off talking about her reading the Book of Mormon
and what she learned. She said obedience.
And so we were asking about that
trying to tie it into baptism but she was avoiding trying to say baptism, so I
read Alma 7 vs 15, and we just sat there for a moment, and then we asked her
what the scripture says, and she said that I need to be baptized. Then we started
talking about the temple cause she had expressed her desire before to go into
the temple. And we told her to enter she needs to be baptized. And the whole
time the spirit was super strong, and she was crying, and I was almost crying,
but in the end she accepted to be baptized the 28th of this month.
Then we went
on to have a normal day. Then the morning comes and we call my comp and his
comp to tell them to come back up here so we could change back. And then an
hour later they call us and tell us a bus still hasn’t passed by, and then my
comp for the day realized that the day was Holy Friday. And that there would be
no buses going to or from Tacuba until Monday.
Well we started freaking out cause I didn’t want to stay in Tacuba until
Monday haha, and I needed to get back to my area. Well we start searching around
town asking people if it was true that there weren’t any buses and they said
yeah it was true. So we started looking for a member to see if they could take
us back. So basically we have no idea what to do. because we can’t hitch a ride
because we can’t be in the back of trucks and that’s the only thing people have
here. They pack the back of trucks with people like sardines.
Well halfway into the day the branch
president finally called us back and told us he could take us, but for 12
dollars. Luckily I did not have to spend my weekend in Tacuba.
Also we got one of our investigators to accept a date. He is
a 12 year old D...... He is the son of an investigator who was going to get baptized
but then couldn’t because her husband didn’t want to get married. This kid already has been to church
6 times, but in this mission, kids need to assist church 12 times before they
can get baptized. He is almost there haha.
My comps alright. He is super prideful and not very
obedient, but it’s going along. District leader is super stressful, but it’s going along good
Hope you guys have a good week
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